Do you allow pets?
No, we do not allow pets at the hotel.
Do you have parking onsite?
Yes, free parking is available on a first come first serve basis.
Do you have a lift?
Unfortunately we don’t have a lift to our 1st and 2nd floors.
Do you have any ground floor rooms?
We only have our Hot Tub rooms on the ground floor.
Do you offer early check-in?
Early check-in before 3pm at the hotel is not possible. You are able to drop bags off at the hotel and get your keys if going to an event for example.
Do you offer late checkout?
Late checkout, after 11am is not possible at the hotel.
Do you allow 3 adults or children in the Hot Tub rooms?
Unfortunately the hot tub rooms are adults only and maximum of 2 people per room.
Do rooms get serviced during my stay?
Yes, rooms are serviced daily between the hours of 11am – 4pm. (Service times are totally dependent on how busy the hotel is.)